Count Duplicates in a List Online Tool
This online utility quickly aggregates the lines pasted in the text box and shows you count of occurrences of each value. Use this to quickly aggregate the values to find duplicate lines, or to count the number of repeats.
This free, online Javascript tool eliminates duplicates and lists the distinct values in any web browser. Every line that is repeated is counted and displayed. This form is secure because your list of values is processed by Javascript on your device only.
If you have an Excel spreadsheet and want to get distinct values from a column, just copy and paste the column of data from your Excel sheet into the textbox below. The results will contain:
- A list of unique values
- Count of occurrences for each value
- The total number of lines
- The number of unique values
Paste your text in the text box and then press the "Display/Update Counts" button.
Data entered into the form above is processed client-side in your web browser, and is never sent or stored anywhere besides your device.
New: You can hide or show the counts column. You can also see all lines in the results, or just the lines with duplicates. Lines with duplicates are those that occur two (2) or more times.
The TAB output format option allows you to directly copy and paste the results into a Excel or LibreOffice Calc in a spreadsheet format. Click Copy Results to Clipboard button, then press Ctrl+V in your spreadsheet. (You do not have to use the Data > Text to Columns button.)
The CSV output format option allows you save the results as a .csv file using a text editor like Notepad. Once saved, double-clicking the file opens it automatically in Excel or LibreOffice Calc.
Both TAB and CSV output are in Excel-compatible format, with double-quote as the enclosure and escape character.
Use the Clear button to clear the text input. Use the Restore button to restore the last cleared text input. (For your security, the data is saved in a Javascript variable only, and will clear as soon as you leave the page.)
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