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Print Javascript Array from ASP

An optimized ASP function for printing a quoted list of Javascript array elements.

'  This code is hereby granted to the public domain.
' ** PrintJavascriptArray Documentation **
' Summary: PrintJavascriptArray is an optimized function that prints
'  a result set as a list of quoted and comma-separated entries, for
'  use in initializing client-side Javascript arrays.
' Parameters:
' objCN [in] - Connection string or opened connection object.
' strsql [in] - A query that retrieves the data to be printed
' Notes:
'   * Each value returned in the result set will become a single entry
'     in the array. (Returning multiple columns is okay.)
'   * Each entry will be double-quoted and treated as a string.
'   * Entries containing the double-quote character will be
'      handled correctly. (Replaced with String.fromCharCode.)
'   * Data will be HTML encoded.
'   * Nulls will be printed as empty strings.
' Usage:
'   <script type="text/javascript">
'      myJavascriptArray = Array(
'          <%  PrintJavascriptArray "DSN=MyDSN", _
'              "SELECT ObjectID, ObjectName FROM tblObjects"   %>
'         );
'   </script>

Function PrintJavascriptArray(ByRef objCN, strsql)
    Dim objRS, ArrayRecords, i, j
    Dim NumRows, NumColumns

    Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    objRS.Open strsql,objcn,adOpenForwardOnly,adLockReadOnly,adCmdText

    Do While Not objRS.EOF
        ArrayRecords = objRS.GetRows(50)

        NumRows = UBound(ArrayRecords,2)
        NumColumns = UBound(ArrayRecords,1)

        For i = 0 To NumRows
            For j = 0 To NumColumns
                Response.write Chr(34)
                If Not IsNull(ArrayRecords(j, i)) Then
                    Response.write Replace(ArrayRecords(j, i), _
                End If
                Response.write Chr(34)
                ' Print comma, except at last record
                If Not objRS.EOF Or i <> NumRows _
                    Or j <> NumColumns Then
                    Response.write ","
                End If
        Response.write vbCrLf
    Set objRS = nothing
End Function


ASP Speed Tricks Site Map

  1. ASP Speed Tricks
  2. Optimized Table Printing in ASP
  3. Optimized Heirarchical Table Printing in ASP
  4. Print Javascript Array from ASP You Are Here
  5. Print Select Options from ASP
  6. Javascript Autocomplete Combobox - find as you type
  7. ASP Speed Tricks Appendix
  8. ASP Speed Tricks PDF Format

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Created 2005-05-08, Last Modified 2011-07-24, © Shailesh N. Humbad
Disclaimer: This content is provided as-is. The information may be incorrect.