ASP Speed Tricks Appendix
This page contains testing notes, book recommendations, references, links, and other information for the ASP Speed Tricks article.
Testing Notes
The tests were run by reloading the page five to ten times and estimating the average running time. The goal was not to be precise in the absolute running times, but to get an idea of the relative running times for each example. Here are specifications of the test system.
- Windows XP Professional, IIS 5.1, ADO version 2.8
- "datasource" is a System DSN using the Microsoft Access Driver linked to "test.mdb"
- Pentium-III 850Mhz, 640MB RAM, ATI Radeon 7200 32MB DDR
- Browsers in use were Mozilla 1.4 and Internet Explorer 6.0.
- For SQL Server tests, MSDE (SQL Server 2000 Desktop Edition) running on TCP/IP
- This machine is a workstation, and was not under any other processing load.
The script below was used to create the test data table for the MDB file and in SQL Server. The script creates a single table called "tblData" with four fields and 1000 rows. Obvious modifications to the script can be used to create tables with more rows.
testdata.asp |
<%@ Language=VBScript %> <% Option Explicit %> <% Dim objCN Dim strsql, objRS Dim i, FieldArray Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Set objCN = Server.CreateObject("AdoDB.Connection") ' Create test data table If True Then ' A Jet SQL Database objCN.ConnectionString = "DSN=datasource" strsql = "CREATE TABLE tblData "&_ "(Field1 AUTOINCREMENT UNIQUE NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,"&_ "Field2 INTEGER, Field3 TEXT(50), Field4 TEXT(50))" Else ' A SQL Server Database objCN.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;"&_ "User ID=sa;Data Source=localhost;"&_ "Initial Catalog=sqltest;Password=;" strsql = "CREATE TABLE tblData "&_ "(Field1 INTEGER IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY,"&_ "Field2 INTEGER, Field3 NVARCHAR(50), Field4 NVARCHAR(50))" End If objCN.Open objRS.Open strsql,objCN,adOpenForwardOnly,adLockReadOnly,adCmdText ' Populate the test data table with test data. objRS.Open "tblData", objCN, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable FieldArray = Array("Field2","Field3","Field4") For i = 1 To 100 objRS.AddNew FieldArray, Array(879,"This is test data","abc") objRS.AddNew FieldArray, Array(458,"more test data.","def") objRS.AddNew FieldArray, Array(77,"another test","ghi") objRS.AddNew FieldArray, Array(66,"test test test","jkl") objRS.AddNew FieldArray, Array(54,"testing, 123","mno") objRS.AddNew FieldArray, Array(88,"test data test data","pqr") objRS.AddNew FieldArray, Array(498,"testing again","stu") objRS.AddNew FieldArray, Array(64,"test again","vwx") objRS.AddNew FieldArray, Array(8,"done testing","yz") objRS.AddNew FieldArray, Array(58,"again","xxx") Next objRS.Update Response.write "added 1000 rows to new table tblData" objRS.Close objCN.Close Set objRS = Nothing Set objCN = Nothing %>
Click the links to see the books at You can also use the AddALL Book Search and Price Comparison for finding good prices on books.
- Microsoft Developer Network (MDSN) Library
- ADO API Reference
- VBScript Language Reference
- Active Server Pages Site
- ADO 2.8 Appendix A: Providers - OLE DB Provider for ODBC Documentation, Programming OLE DB SQL Server Applications, OLE DB Provider for Jet Documentation
- Improving String Handling Performance in ASP Applications - an article
- 25+ ASP Tips to Improve Performance and Style - an article
- Index DOT Html - The Advanced HTML Reference
- W3Schools ASP and ASP.Net Tutorial and Reference
- ASP Alliance - Many articles on ASP techniques.
- Microsoft: Active Server Pages (ASP) Forum at Tek-Tips - Microsoft: Active Server Pages (ASP) technical support forum and mutual help system for computer professionals. Selling and recruiting forbidden.
- Guru99 - ASP.Net Tutorial
Acknowledgements for some of the techniques go to commentators in the microsoft.public.inetserver.asp.general. I must also give acknowledgment to all the technical writers who have posted helpful ASP articles across the web.
I just wanted to express my EXTREME gratitude for this article - I've spent the past several hours trying to optimise a query and have been scouring probably around 30 different sources. This article provided EVERYTHING I needed to make my query fast (retrieving upwards of 50000 records and 30 fields with SQL strings being programmatically generated, and dumping them into an Excel table using ASP). I can't tell you how APPRECIATIVE I am - I've managed to get my query down from 7 minutes to less than 20 seconds because of your fantastic article!!
Rich - Sep. 18, 2003
Thank you for the article. I found it informative and useful for my project. ... You article, along with a few others, was particularly easy for me to read, and had quantitative proof.
Chris Zwemke - Nov. 25, 2003
ASP Speed Tricks Site Map
- ASP Speed Tricks
- Optimized Table Printing in ASP
- Optimized Heirarchical Table Printing in ASP
- Print Javascript Array from ASP
- Print Select Options from ASP
- Javascript Autocomplete Combobox - find as you type
- ASP Speed Tricks Appendix ← You Are Here
- ASP Speed Tricks PDF Format
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